The Course

COllaborative teaching and learning

CO-LAB -  Collaborative Teaching and Learning is a course designed and moderated by the European Schoolnet Academy. Its aim is to help teachers enhance their collaborative practices and carry out.  On this course, teachers will receive advice from experts and learn together with their peers. They will focus on the following:


What is collaborative learning?

How can I carry it out effectively in my classroom?

What tools can I use to assess collaborative learning?

How can I collaborate with fellow teachers to facilitate collaborative learning?


Teachers will be provided with ample opportunity to reflect, discuss and share ideas, knowledge and best practice with like-minded professionals  from all over Europe.  They will use a variety of online tools and social media to communicate with each other.

There are 4 modules in this course:


Module 1: What is collaborative learning?

Module 2: How can you design collaborative learning in the classroom?

Module 3: How can you assess collaborative learning?

Module 4: How can teacher collaboration facilitate collaborative learning?


"Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."  Henry Ford

The Teacher

Arjana blazic

I'm a high school English  teacher from Zagreb, Croatia. My interest areas include technology enhanced teaching and learning, innovative pedagogies and teacher training.  I'm  a course designer and have developed and facilitated a number of online courses (mini MOOCs) for European and American teachers and school administrators. I'm an invited international speaker and workshop leader, education technology consultant, eTwinning ambassador and a 2014-2015 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow. 

Check out my portfolio and my blogs in English and in Croatian.

Connect with me on Twitter: @abfromz

The Teaching Context

Ix. gimnazija, zagreb, croatia

I teach at IX. gimnazija, a high school in Zagreb, Croatia. There are about 500 students aged 14-18 and 45 teachers at my school. In 2013, we proudly opened the Croatian Future Classroom, a lively and well-equipped classroom, inspired by the Future Classroom Lab in Brussels. Here's a short video about our CFC: